Why Rich Ladies don't Marry on time


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Why Rich Ladies don't Marry on time
Posted on: May 18, 2015, 09:43:51 AM
Some rich ladies will always find it difficult to find their own husband because of some reasons that i will be stating one by one because everything that has advantage also has disadvantages and being rich while unmarried can affect you in either ways (Positively or Negatively) though being rich is never bad but there are lots of things to be aware of that will help you not to miss the chances of getting married.

Why Rich Ladies don't Marry on time:
Let us look at the main reasons why women that are rich find it hard to get married by listing out some advantage and disadvantages starting with the disadvantage of being rich while unmarried.

1. You will be seen as high class lady:
Being a high class lady is good but remember some poor or average men will never stop to toast a lady with 2015 Range Rover spot Jeep unless they know you somewhere.

2. Men believe that rich women don't respect men:
Another reason why some men will never go for a rich lady is because they believe that there will be no respect of any kind since the lady is richer than him and if you check it well it looks to be true.

3. Time runs faster than you think:
As you are pushing them away with your wealth, your time will be running out and if you are not careful you will become old and that is when desperation starts.

4. Men with your class don't look for people like you (Same class):
Believe it or leave it many rich guys don't go for rich ladies instead they go for the most beautiful lady in town that catches their eyes without considering her financial status while poor men will be afraid to toast a rich women to avoid being slapped.

Advantages of being rich while unmarried
As i said anything that has advantage has disadvantage and now let us look at the few advantages of being rich while unmarried.

1. You are in your own world:
Once you are rich you can control lots of things with your money, there is no need to look for men for help and people will respect you and might be afraid of you.

2. You will attract some men with Money:
The truth is that some men will be ready to get married to a women as far as he gets your money, your cars and be part of you because they are lazy and has never worked hard to make anything out of life.

Finally being rich is good but if you are a lady and you still not married yet i suggest you hide your wealth until you have your own home to avoid making mistakes because you can be rich without happiness.


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