Everybody can start a relationship but the question is “can you be proud to say that you are into a successful relationship” that can eventually lead to a successful marriage too.
That is the reason why I decided to bring to you my 10 tips for building a successful relationship that leads to a successful marriage.
First I want you to know that when I say a successful relationship I don’t mean a relationship that has not had any problem or usual quarrying but what I meant is a relationship with good understanding and undiluted love.
Without wasting much of your time let us see the 10 tips for building a successful relationship that leads to marriage.

1. Always be real:
The first thing in a relationship is to be real to your partner because when I say a successful relationship I don’t mean the one you pretend to love just to satisfy your selfish desires.
Always stand your words and be real when you say I love you because that particular word “I LOVE YOU” is always easy to say but hard to maintain, so please use that word carefully not for fun.
2. Don’t be selfish:
Learn to do what is right in your relationship and don’t be selfish in any way because it can destroy your relationship.
• Don’t always want him or her to be a perfect man or woman to you but always think about how to be a perfect partner to him or her.
• Don’t always ask for what you want but always ask yourself what does he/she wants because we all need one or two things.
• Don’t always have doubt for his or her love for you instead ask your self do I really love him or her and how much, you need to love him/her as much as you would like your partner to love you because we all need love and caring irrespective of our genders (male or female).
3. Never get tired of your partner:
You will agree with me that most relationships fade up as time goes on and sweeter when starting new but the truth is that you should try to control your mind because you only feel tired and less interest simply because your feelings tend to increase on the things not tested than tested one’s but control your mind by telling yourself that “whatever you are going to get on the new relationship is what you are already enjoying with your current lover” and remember “the devil you know is better than the angel you don’t know” if you become tired with you current love today for just no cause you will as well become tired with your new lover.
I will also tell you again that what you are looking to find in “B” look well you will still see it in “A” this word is mainly for men because they always get tired when they get used to a particular woman and if you do things like that then you are missing something because there is nothing so sweet in a relationship than having one woman that loves you with all her heart, you will have much enjoyment and less confusion and unnecessary spending of your time and resources.
4. Our relationship requires concentrations:
I recently posted on my Facebook page titled Nigerian women “Being in a relationship is like a full-time job, don’t apply for it if you are not ready!” and yes to build and maintain a successful relationship is not as simple as you think it requires a lot of things from you and I suggest you involve yourself only when you are ready for it.
5. Always be appreciative:
If you are not the type that always says thank you, you need to learn it today because is very important, even God likes it when you say thank you and that way you will expect more.
you also need to look at your lovers face and tell him or her that you are so happy having him/her as your lover, tell him/her that you feel happy and complete with her/him because this words is often neglected but trust me they are the words that make your relationship stronger and keep it going.
6. Never stop saying I love you if you really do:
When last did you look at your partners face and call her/him the sweetest names you can think of and tell her/him I LOVE YOU.
The word “I love you” is very important in a relationship but I can tell you that most partners fail to use that word especially some relationships that have lasted for a long time but never get tired of saying I love you it makes a relationship healthy.
7. Your manner of approach matters:
Some relationships failed today simply because they lack good manner of approach, you just don’t say everything the way you feel like but be polite in your kind of words to avoid creating problems where there is no problem.
8. Never use the word MUST:
The truth is that this word “must” has caused lots of problems and even divorces in marriages that is why you need to avoid using that word to your partner and am sure there are other ways to fix that problem instead of using the word must.
The relationship is not a politics and your partner is not your opponent either, both of you is not competing for anything then why use the word “must” while there are other lovely ways to get things done.
The best way to convince you, partner, to do what you want is by petting never use force and if petting doesn’t work then find his or her happiest hour and make him see reasons with you.
To use me as an example I never do anything that has something to do with YOU MUST, even if I wanted to do it, so learn how to pet and stop using the word you must.
9. Learn how to use the word WE and not I:
You might not understand what I meant but not to worry you will soon, you need to show your partner that he/she is part of your life and plan future together if you really love him/her.
When you are thinking about your future include him or her by using the word WE instead of “I” that will give your relationship meaning, hope and future.
10. Every relationship must have a purpose:
If somebody asks you do you love her/him the answer might be probably YES but what if the same person ask you, why are you into a relationship with him or her? Are guys going to marry or just to keep life going?
You should have an answer to the above questions which will help you determine the limitations to apply in your relationship to avoid unnecessary regrets at last.
These are the 10 tips I have for you that will help you build a healthy relationship that leads to not just a marriage but a successful