How Graduate can make Money in Nigeria without Waiting


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How Graduate can make Money in Nigeria without Waiting
Posted on: April 28, 2019, 03:54:01 AM
As a graduate, you might probably be dreaming and waiting for a good paying job, It's possible that you have already started submitting your CV here and dear but trust me you can be useful to yourself while waiting for your dream Job.

However, you don’t have to engage in crime to feed and live right, as a graduate while still waiting for Jobs? – That’s if you don't hate being self-employed anyway.

Again, as a graduate today, with the availability of information online which is accessible to all of us then you can make money effortlessly by just thinking out of the box and being smart. that's it.

Yes, I’m not talking about online business crypto nonsense here or network cock and bull stories, I mean real legal ways where your little efforts can give financial productiveness.

Well, today I would share with you the simple ways to start making money legally as a graduate while you keep waiting for that big Job interview.

In other words, I don't wish to waste your time but you will surely learn a lot if you are patient enough to go through this guide on How Graduate can make Money in Nigeria without Waiting

Agency Officer

I’m sure the words “Agency officer” are self-explanatory.  As an Agent, you are an Intermediary between a “buyer’ and “a seller” – In short, you are the middleman.

For me, being an Agent is the cheapest Job I know a graduate could do easily.  All it takes is to look for a sector you are good at and start facilitating sales.

Take, for example, you can be an Agent in Agricultural sector as, Real Estate business, Education, trading, etc.

Here think of Land Agents, house renting agents, sales agents.  If you know what agent fee on rental or sales is today, you will know it’s not a small sideways to make money.

In Agro sectors, as a middleman, you can meet farmers, ask about prices and go to town to look for buyers, at an agreed price and before you know it, you are smiling to the bank with little efforts. In Real estate business, you can become a millionaire in months especially if you have rich networks.

A Lecturer in my business school days once told me of a graduate from “better by far Uni” who couldn’t get a job after School but decided to hustle.

What did he do? He visited villages in Kwara and met landowners who wish to lease and sell their hectares of lands. After sealing a good agreement, he went to buy cardboards and wrote on them, “landed properties for sales for farming and industrial projects”.  In months, he made millions.  Today, the man is a big-time businessman in the state.  You see why it’s just wisdom and smartness you need? Lol

Digital Marketing

Now, this is closely related to the agency but a bit different in scope and strategy. Let me help you understand it.  The word digital Marketing maybe look complex or sound technical really, but the meaning is just simple, forget whatever big English words they use. Lol, In clear terms, it simply means “selling or marketing products online”.

How do you go about this?

Follow me…

You see, today, almost everyone is looking for a digital marketer now, from online shops to fashion houses.  Do you know anyone can become a digital marketer and you don’t need to go and be applying at anywhere and in fact, you don’t need an interview? Lol.

* Online Side hustle to make money from in Nigeria 2019
* How to make money online as a freelancer Upwork & Fiverr

You are the one selling for them, so you should be the boss.

Follow these steps and you will not regret it.

Search for Local Clients

In digital marketing, the big deal is looking for Virtual customers or clients.  They are somewhere, they need a service or a product not readily available, they come online to search and find your ads. You bargain on behalf of the seller, you deliver and you make good money for yourself.

Search for Local Businesses

I’m sure you must have seen very beautiful locally made Furniture like Chairs, Beds, designed Cupboards, in your next door streets, or beautiful clothes by your friends who are fashion designers or even cars from Motors dealers, these are your feeding channels. Do you know many of these people have products begging for patronage? This is good for you.

Do you know that in a car you sell for motor selling companies, you can make decent profits of no less than 200k? Oh… This is what a friend does with a good office and family.  Research more to contact me for more details. Lol

Selling Stories

Yes, stories are sweet you know.  Not only to the listeners but also to the storytellers.  You know you can make money from stories as a writer than you could imagine.

There are two types of stories you can sell.

1. Researched stories.

2. Interviewed stories.

For a Researched story, you don’t need to stress yourself on where to get stories, go online, pick your interest. Read stuff you like, pets, cars, politics, sports, just anything and put up what you have read back in your own words and you become another best seller.  Lol.

The truth is that there is nothing new anymore, old things are just being renewed, redesigned, reshaped, rewritten, or report.

Recently a friend downloaded some materials on solving mathematics for kids, and he studied them in weeks, and today he makes not less than 80k for 5 pupils in JSS classes in Ibadan.  You can think about this too.

Interviewed stories: Do you there are thousands of people who want to tell their stories about personal life success and survival tales, academic struggles stories, marriage secrets & challenges, business stories, and many more?

Many of these people only need your platforms to lend their voice and as you get more storytellers, you will be surprised at how story readers will start queueing for your next story.  Have you seen where people say they can’t wait for the continuity? So is it will be for your pockets,  as you will in money start trickling from brands and companies willing to associate with you.


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